Quantitively supply vehicles of same model same quality, through vehicle business management system
Given its strong vehicle business management system, All Happy Families are able to fully utilize official secondhand vehicle channels of both GEELY and other brands under same umbrella, all vehicles in supply are categorized by different travel distances. A great number of quality NEVs from multiple brands, with similar travel distances, or same models are available at same time. Besides, all secondhand vehicles’ manufactory and using record are trackable.
Given its strong vehicle business management system, All Happy Families are able to fully utilize official secondhand vehicle channels of both GEELY and other brands under same umbrella, all vehicles in supply are categorized by different travel distances. A great number of quality NEVs from multiple brands, with similar travel distances, or same models are available at same time. Besides, all secondhand vehicles’ manufactory and using record are trackable.
Multiple brands
Large volume
Similar distances
Same model
High quality